ComBat Vision 4.0
Battlefield Reconnaissance and Coordination System
All demo video materials provided below are the
screencasts taken from the live application
Battlefield Reconnaissance and Coordination System
All demo video materials provided below are the
screencasts taken from the live application
The ComBat Vision 4.0 battlefield reconnaissance and coordination system is a distributed geospatial information platform that enables users to collect data about objects in space, manually or through various technical reconnaissance means, and to exchange that data and their own location via low-bandwidth radio communications for further coordination of joint actions.
Distributed means that the system does not have a central node responsible for data storage and user authorization. Each device stores part of the information available to him on his own device and has the right to delegate part of it to other users in the radio channel, using reliable end-to-end encryption and data filtering for transmission.
The system is based on the exchange principles described in the NATO STANAG 4677 JDSS standard, specifically designed to operate separate units under conditions of unstable / slow communication. In this way, the system works even with HF radio communication at a speed of 1 Kbps.
Basically, the system allows the user to apply any mil-std-2525c-standard graphical elements to the map, which enables the display:
Possibility to view the content of the map with the help of video recordings or photos which creates for the user the effect of superimposing a computer model of the space with a real image, an effect of augmented reality.
This functionality allows the user to navigate in space even if the objects are behind obstacles, for example:
Another feature of the system is the ability to display the situation on a three-dimensional map, which allows the operator to better grasp the tactical situation and make decisions more quickly.
The engine works with both online and offline maps from the list of Open Geospatial Consortium standards: WMS, WMTS, GeoPackage, as well as with popular tile servers in the Web Mercator projection, such as: Google Maps, Open Steet Map, Open Topo Map, Wikimapia etc.
ComBat Vision 4.0 uses fast real-time hardware ray tracing, as opposed to the slow software calculation currently used in most other systems.
This technology makes it possible to create a tool that allows a radio operator to quickly find the optimal location of a radio repeater on the ground or a reconnaissance operator to select an altitude with the best view.
The speed of calculation is achieved by incorporating the capabilities of the graphics chip in the device.
ComBat Vision 4.0 is compatible with various UAS, allowing it to be used as a universal tool for processing aerial reconnaissance results without incurring additional costs for training operators. Thanks to the flexible system of equipment profiles, connecting new samples to the system does not require a lot of time.
The system works with any IP compatible and some serial modem connections. Currently it has been tested with the following:
Connection of video surveillance cameras as sensors of the system allows not only to constantly monitor a certain perimeter, but also to determine the coordinates of objects by the method of combined observation of two cameras, by crossing the optical axis of a camera with natural landmarks and other methods also provides the operator with the ability to understand in which direction the event occurs due to the projection of landmarks on the image.
The sensors of the system (data source) can be both users entering information by manually touching the terminal screen and technical means such as laser rangefinders, a camera on the user terminal, a drone, ora dedicated camera (the last two modules are under development)
Reduces the likelihood of friendly fire and shortens the time to select the closest unit to the target by displaying the relative position of allied units on the map.
Reduces the decision-making time from the detection of the enemy to the issuance of an order to destroy him through the rapid exchange and convenient visual analysis of information about his position and movement.
Significantly accelerates troop deployment and entry into positions through the ability to provide navigation targets and use the built-in GPS sensors and electronic compass for terrain navigation.
Accurately identify targets and avoid false damage to civilian or allied forces by adding photos from drones and users' surveillance cameras or cell phones to assets on the map.
If required, electronic rangefinders for automatic determination of target coordinates, vital activity sensors for monitoring the condition of subordinates and training weapons for organizing automated exercises can be connected to the system.
The system is designed for three types of users:
Sensors - who gather information manually or by technical means and pass it on to others.
Analysts - who check the reliability of information and categorize access to it, as well as plan further actions for those carrying it out.
Actors - who use the provided information to perform their tasks.
HQ analysts can automatically provide targeting information and relevant orders to the actors to move to a specific target on the battlefield just found by the sensors
Actors, in turn, can quickly go there with the help of the built-in GPS and compass, verify the target with the headquarters by adding his photo to the marker, destroy the target and mark the destruction status on the map.
In this way, the usage of the system dramatically reduces the time to perform tactical tasks and provides a significant information advantage over the enemy.
The system currently works on any device running Android 8 or later, but for reliable use the devices must have rugged wired ports for connecting the communication devices. Operating system must support the drivers for the communication devices (RNDIS host). Such devices can be, for example, the Samsung S20 Tactical Edition in a Juggernaut case or a special ComBat T3 tablet with an additional cradle that has ports for reliable connection of wireless stations.
ComBat Vision 4.0 works with following external devices:
A wide range of means of communication is supported,
which allows users to perform tasks in any conditions
The development of ComBat 4.0 started in 2017 when our team gained 3 years of experience using our previous generation of software products on real battlefields and we realised that a professional product should definitely be based on NATO standards, should also be distributed and use 3D maps with augmented reality on any kind of UI. We applied all our experience to build the ComBat 4 prototype.
During 2020 we have developed a distributed messenger - a core of the backend system.
In April 2022, we decided to create a new multiplatform 3D map engine specifically for this project, which took 6 months to develop. The advantage was that we did not have to support 3 old platform dependent engines.
In September, we’ve transformed the 2017 PoC into a fully functional MVP based on a new plugin-based application architecture and the Jitpack Compose UI framework.
Started working on integration of Mavic and MavLink drones.
We’ve developed offline maps and elevation management UI.